本帖最后由 木易小小 于 2016-3-22 03:57 编辑 X) Q1 H3 s% N, L& h
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8 w7 V( ?& o D. T8 INature Communications: 科学家开发新方法将健康人类神经细胞注入大脑 % A# l6 H; t' P* Z
2016年3月21日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --罗格斯大学和斯坦福大学的科学家们创造出一种新技术,未来可能帮助治疗帕金森病和其他影响数百万人的毁灭性大脑相关疾病。 8 |* V# \7 j/ I# w, ^6 \
罗格斯大学生物医学工程系和化学与生化工程系特聘教授Prabhas V. Moghe表示,这种创新技术涉及将成人组织-衍生的干细胞在三维纤维"支架"或微小岛状物上转化为人类神经元。
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在这项最新在线发表于《Nature Communications》的多学科研究中,罗格斯大学和斯坦福大学的科学家团队讨论了这种三维支架和它们潜在的广泛效益。
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这些疾病通常是由大脑细胞丢失引起的。例如,帕金森病是由产生多巴胺的脑细胞丢失而导致的。脑细胞丢失会导致手部、手部、腿部、下巴和面部颤抖,四肢和躯干僵硬,运动缓慢以及平衡和协调性损害。 7 F# O+ p; o1 F& y& d. ~: y
接下来将是进一步改进支架生物材料,使科学家们能够增加植入神经元的数量。"我们能够移植的神经元越多,为疾病带来的疗法益处就越大"Moghe说,"我们想在尽可能小的空间里填充尽可能多的神经元。" 4 h8 }- u2 e: _# c
想法是"创建一个不仅能高度运转而且能更好控制的非常密集的神经元回路"他说,并且补充道,针对帕金森病小鼠的试验正在进行中,查看它们能否获得改善或恢复。 - I2 r: q1 Y) |) {# e J# x
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开发支架技术和在支架中重新编程干细胞是"非常辛苦的团队工作"他说,"我们已经研究了许多年,还需要付出大量的汗水和辛劳。" ; L) H* J3 q. l. U6 D) m
本文系生物谷原创编译整理,欢迎转载!点击 获取授权 。更多资讯请下载 生物谷APP。
doi:10.1038/ncomms10862 http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2016/160317/ncomms10862/full/ncomms10862.html Generation and transplantation of reprogrammed human neurons in the brain using 3D microtopographic scaffolds Cell replacement therapy with human pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons has the potential to ameliorate neurodegenerative dysfunction and central nervous system injuries, but reprogrammed neurons are dissociated and spatially disorganized during transplantation, rendering poor cell survival, functionality and engraftment in vivo. Here, we present the design of three-dimensional (3D) microtopographic scaffolds, using tunable electrospun microfibrous polymeric substrates that promote in situ stem cell neuronal reprogramming, neural network establishment and support neuronal engraftment into the brain. Scaffold-supported, reprogrammed neuronal networks were successfully grafted into organotypic hippocampal brain slices, showing an ~3.5-fold improvement in neurite outgrowth and increased action potential firing relative to injected isolated cells. Transplantation of scaffold-supported neuronal networks into mouse brain striatum improved survival ~38-fold at the injection site relative to injected isolated cells, and allowed delivery of multiple neuronal subtypes. Thus, 3D microscale biomaterials represent a promising platform for the transplantation of therapeutic human neurons with broad neuro-regenerative relevance. + w {0 @6 \8 a
本文来源:渐冻人尘雾 生物谷 2016-03-21 10:23 本文转载自生物谷:http://news.bioon.com/article/6680379.html , J$ w3 I) k( \: M4 b
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